Tuesday 19 February 2013

HIV Survivors – Ann


Ann* is a 45 year old widow with 5 children aged between 9 and 24. She lives in a compound owned by her mother and pays 300Birr per month in rent. Their living conditions are considered to be that of a ‘low family’ in Ethiopia. Her husband was a war veteran (in the Eritrea war), he most likely contracted HIV during his serving years, he died in 2002 (EC). She had been his sole carer while he was poorly, he was not taking any ART medication and they had no external support from NGOs.

In 1987 (EC) she had her first HIV test, it came back negative. She was encouraged by an elderly neighbour to get tested again for HIV after her husband had passed. She subsequently found out she was HIV+, most likely contracted from her husband. When she discovered she was HIV+ she was very depressed and made at least one attempt on her life. She found it difficult to process the information she received and was struggling with day to day life. If it had not been for the intervening support of OSSA and her volunteer counsellor she would not be in the state she is today.

She noted that she suffered discrimination at first, but now that the attitude towards HIV/Aids is changing she does not notice it as much, although she is sure there is still gossip in the area regarding her status.

She currently lives hand to mouth, with a small coffee business on the street. Her future ambition is to have a shop, much like a convenience store, with the hope that it would provide regular and higher income. She would like some support for her children’s education because she feels they are doing well academically but will need future support to succeed.


* Names have been changed to protect identity. 

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