Tuesday 22 January 2013


Everyone loves getting post, not brown envelope credit card statement/HMRC post but fun post. The kind of post where you try to guess who it is from before you have opened it, solely based on the handwriting on the front and what the purpose of such post could be. When you cannot guess, give in and open it you then kick yourself thinking “darn I did know that was so-and-so’s writing!” – Everyone does it.

I decided that fun post would be something I missed. I have told Hubski he is more than welcome to open the boring brown envelope post and do with it as he pleases while I am away. The fun post however is likely to stop, what with people knowing I am not there to get it. Then I had a light bulb moment…

I am away for 12 weeks, I know 12 people, why not get them to each write me a letter/create some post for me which I will then take with me and each week I will open the relevant post.  Yipeee, I shall have fun post after all.

This is my post for the next 12 weeks, more fun post than I would usually get in 12 weeks which is rather nice. I cannot wait to read them all!

Thanks everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Kim I wish I had thought about it U should have taken some solar powered bits with U like wind up torch and mobile phone charger.

    Have a look on website and maybe could send it to you out there.

    Love you kaye xxxxx
